"[big design up front] is the maxim of those that haven't implemented very many large systems."
#SICP Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Eduardo Ferro Aldama (eferro) personal blog... Expanding my comfort zone. Agile mindset. Software Developer #Python #Go #FLOSS #agile #extremeprogramming https://github.com/eferro https://linktr.ee/eferro Development, Agile, Software Crafter, and random tech and nontech stuff. Opinions are my own.
"[big design up front] is the maxim of those that haven't implemented very many large systems."
sed s/inicial/final/g -i ejemplo.txt
sed s/inicial/final/ -i ejemplo.txt
sed /ejemplo/d -i ejemplo.txt
sed /^ejemplo/d -i ejemplo.txt
sed /ejemplo$/d -i ejemplo.txt
sed '1,2 d' -i fichero.txt
sed '$ d' -i fichero.txt
sed '/^$/ d' -i fichero.txt
sed -n '1,3 p' fichero.txt
sed -n '4,6 p' fichero.txt
man sed
info sed
cat file_a | sort | uniq
cat file_a | sort | uniq -c
cat file_a file_b | sort | uniq > file_c
cat file_a file_b | sort | uniq -d > file_c
cat file_a file_b file_b | sort | uniq -u > file_c
Más info:
man sort
man uniq
info coreutils