These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
Mik + One: Manuel Pais (Episode 42)
(Manuel Pais, Mik Kersten)
[Devops, Engineering Culture, Teams, Technical leadership, team topologies]
[Duration: 0:50:00]
During this episode, Mik and Manuel discuss some of the key issues in Team Topologies with great insights into different types of collaboration, treating platforms as products, and how to improve team flow by aligning teams with value streams. This was a very interesting episode.
Nordstrom Innovation Lab
[Inspirational, Lean Product Management, Product, Product Discovery]
[Duration: 0:06:00]
During this episode, Mik and Manuel discuss some of the key issues in Team Topologies with great insights into different types of collaboration, treating platforms as products, and how to improve team flow by aligning teams with value streams. This was a very interesting episode.
The Role Of QA in Agile Software
(Dave Farley)
[Continuous Delivery, Engineering Culture, testing]
[Duration: 0:17:00]
In this episode, Dave Farley explores the role of QA in modern agile teams and explores the move in some detail from gatekeepers to quality experts and ideas like continuous testing and QA as trusted advisors.
From Kubernetes to PaaS to Developer Control Planes
(Daniel Bryant)
[Developer Productivity, Devex, Platform, Platform as a product]
[Duration: 0:24:00]
Interesting talk on trends to remove cognitive load from developers in the era of cloud native services. Interesting ideas on how to develop a platform as a product (UX, focus on developer workflows and tool interoperability).
Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them.