Thursday, March 31, 2022

Mesa Redonda: Colaboración entre perfiles de producto y desarrollo (Code Sherpas)

El pasado 24 de Marzo tuve el placer de participar en una mesa redonda sobre "Colaboración entre perfiles de producto y desarrollo" donde pude aprender y compartir con Marta Manso, María Granadino, Isabel Garrido y Cristina Verdi.

Gracias a Code Sherpas por la organización y dinamización del evento.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Our DevOps Journey @ ClarityAI [2022 03 DevOps Lisbon]

Few days ago (2022-03-14), I had the pleasure of talk at the DevOps Lisbon about the last two year evolution of the engineering organization at ClarityAI. In my presentation, I examined the evolving DevOps culture as well as strategies for structuring teams according to Team Topologies' ideas.
Thanks to the Devos Lisbon for the invitation and to all the participants for the attention.


Slide deck

Original Doc (with notes)


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Good talks/podcasts (March 2022 II)


These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
  • Small Batches. The four types of problems (Adam Hawkins) [Lean, Mental models] [Duration: 0:07:00] Good pill to understand the classification of problems in Lean (troubleshooting, gap from standard, target condition, and open-end problems).
  • Ten (Hard-Won) Lessons of the DevOps Transition (Randy Shoup) [Devops, Engineering Culture, Inspirational] [Duration: 0:26:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) This talk discusses the cultural change required to adopt a devops mentality. Excellent advice and warnings derived from Randy's experience leading teams at eBay, Google, and KIXEYE.
  • Don't Get Down-Leveled or How to Tell a Good Story (From a Principal at Amazon) (Meta) [Engineering Career] [Duration: 0:15:00] An excellent guide on how to tell a story during a behavioral interview.
  • CTO Craft 2021: Cross the River by Feeling the Stones (Simon Wardley) [Product Strategy, Technology Strategy] [Duration: 0:30:00] In this session, Simon examines the issue of situational awareness. Using examples from government and the commercial world, Simon explores how we can map our environment, identify opportunities to exploit and learn to play the game.
  • Frozen DevOps? Team Topologies Comes to the Rescue! - DevOpsDays Poznań 2021 (Manuel Pais) [Devops, Engineering Culture, Teams, team topologies] [Duration: 0:36:00] In this talk Manuel covers the self-imposed limitations of blindly following some “myths” around DevOps. Most organizations are stuck in the "frozen middle" of DevOps evolution due to a lack of organizational sensemaking. They must think beyond technical capabilities to unleash the potential of their teams to deliver with greater autonomy and a sense of purpose.
  • Expert Talk: DevOps & Software Architecture GOTO 2021 (Dave Farley, Simon Brown) [Architecture, Continuous Delivery, Inspirational] [Duration: 0:40:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) In a world where software architecture is evolving rapidly, we are confronted with new challenges. Simon Brown, Dave Farley, and Hannes Lowette cover some of the recent trends in software architecture touching on hot topics such as DevOps and how to deal with complexity.
Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them.


Sunday, March 06, 2022

Good talks/podcasts (March 2022 I)


These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
  • Mik + One: Manuel Pais (Episode 42) (Manuel Pais, Mik Kersten) [Devops, Engineering Culture, Teams, Technical leadership, team topologies] [Duration: 0:50:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) During this episode, Mik and Manuel discuss some of the key issues in Team Topologies with great insights into different types of collaboration, treating platforms as products, and how to improve team flow by aligning teams with value streams. This was a very interesting episode.
  • Nordstrom Innovation Lab (nordstrominnovationlab) [Inspirational, Lean Product Management, Product, Product Discovery] [Duration: 0:06:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) During this episode, Mik and Manuel discuss some of the key issues in Team Topologies with great insights into different types of collaboration, treating platforms as products, and how to improve team flow by aligning teams with value streams. This was a very interesting episode.
  • The Role Of QA in Agile Software (Dave Farley) [Continuous Delivery, Engineering Culture, testing] [Duration: 0:17:00] In this episode, Dave Farley explores the role of QA in modern agile teams and explores the move in some detail from gatekeepers to quality experts and ideas like continuous testing and QA as trusted advisors.
  • From Kubernetes to PaaS to Developer Control Planes (Daniel Bryant) [Developer Productivity, Devex, Platform, Platform as a product] [Duration: 0:24:00] Interesting talk on trends to remove cognitive load from developers in the era of cloud native services. Interesting ideas on how to develop a platform as a product (UX, focus on developer workflows and tool interoperability).
Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them.
