Monday, January 13, 2025

Developing Software: Postponing Decisions and Working in Small Steps

In this article of the series on Lean Software Development, after exploring practices for postponing decisions in the product, today we will discuss how to develop software by taking very small steps, delaying decisions, and doing only what is necessary at each moment.

This approach aligns with the principles of Lean Software Development and eXtreme Programming (XP), being a key part of agile development.

Why Work in Small Steps

Working in small steps is essential in uncertain environments. Neither we nor the client always know exactly what is needed to achieve the desired impact. By progressing in small increments, we obtain valuable feedback both from the system—on its functionality and behavior—and from the client. This approach allows us to learn and constantly adjust, avoiding premature decisions that could limit our options or be difficult to reverse.

It is a continuous learning process where we avoid speculative design and unnecessary features. By moving forward step by step, we accept that we do not know everything from the outset and choose to experiment and validate constantly.

Benefits of Working in Small Steps

Working in small steps with continuous feedback offers numerous benefits. Geepaw Hill, in his article "MMMSS: The Intrinsic Benefit of Steps," brilliantly describes the effects of this practice on teams. Below is a summary, though I recommend reading the full article or the series "Many More Much Smaller Steps."

Geepaw mentions eight benefits of working in steps of less than a couple of hours:

Benefits in Responsiveness:  

  • Interruptibility You can handle interruptions or change focus without breaking the workflow.  
  • Steerability After each small step, you can reflect, incorporate feedback, and adjust the direction if necessary.  
  • Reversibility If a step does not meet expectations, reverting it results in minimal time loss.  
  • Target Parallelism By advancing in consistent small steps, it is possible to work on different areas of the system or for different stakeholders without leaving tasks half-done.  

Human Benefits:

  • Cognitive Load: Forces you to reduce cognitive load by limiting the combinations and cases you must consider.  
  • Pace: Establishes a steady team rhythm with cycles of quick rewards (successful tests, commits, deployments, etc.).  
  • Safety: Small changes carry less risk than large ones. With frequent tests and daily deployments, the maximum risk is reverting the last change.  
  • Autonomy: Allows the team to make continuous decisions, requiring constant effort to understand and empathize with the user to address problems or implement improvements.  

Working in Small Steps and Postponing Decisions

Since around 2009-2010, I have tried to apply the practice of working in very small steps in all the teams I collaborate with. These steps usually take a few hours, allowing production deployments several times a day and achieving visible changes for the client in one or two days at most. This agile approach minimizes risk and maximizes responsiveness, but it requires discipline and the rigorous application of agile development practices proposed by eXtreme Programming (XP).

Practices and Tactics for Working in Small Steps

Below, I present some practices and strategies that enable us to work this way. Sometimes it’s hard to separate them, as they are closely interrelated and complement each other.

Iterative and Incremental Development

The most important technique we use is also the simplest and, at the same time, the least common. Instead of starting with a complete solution and dividing it into steps for implementation, we progressively grow the solution until it is “good enough,” allowing us to move on and invest in solving another problem. That is, we focus on delivering increments (to the end client) that align with the idea of the solution we are aiming for, all while keeping the solution and the problem in mind. We use feedback to ensure that we are heading in the right direction. Additionally, not being afraid to iterate based on this feedback allows us to work in small, low-risk steps.  

For example, starting from an initial problem with a potential solution, we generate increments (Inc 1, Inc 2, etc.) in less than a day. Each increment is delivered to the user for feedback, which helps us decide the next step and whether the solution is already good enough. This way, we avoid waste (gray area) by not doing unnecessary tasks, thus reducing the system's Basal Cost.

Vertical Slicing

Vertical slicing involves dividing functionalities and solutions in a way that allows for an incremental approach to development, where each small increment provides value in itself. This value can manifest as user improvements, team learning, reduced uncertainty, among others. Instead of splitting stories by technical layers (infrastructure, backend, frontend), we divide them into increments that deliver value and typically require work across all layers.

In my teams, we apply this vertical slicing rigorously, ensuring that no increment takes more than two days, and preferably less than one day. We use various heuristics and processes for vertical slicing (, such as the “hamburger method” by Gojko Adzic, which I will describe later.  

Even though we use this vertical slicing to break down what we want to implement into increments, this doesn’t mean we always implement all the identified increments. On the contrary, the goal is always to grow the solution as little as possible to achieve the desired impact.

Technical Segmentation

As a complement to vertical slicing, in my teams, we also divide these increments that deliver value to the user into smaller tasks, which we also deploy to production. These tasks are more technically focused and usually take less than two or three hours.

Deploying these technical increments allows us to obtain feedback primarily from the system: Does our CI pipeline continue to work well? Does the deployed code cause any obvious problems? Does it affect performance in any way?

This practice forces us to maintain a low deployment cost (in terms of time and effort) and allows us to ensure that the workflow continues to operate correctly at all times. This is possible because we have a solid automated testing system, fast CI pipelines, and we work with Continuous Integration/Trunk-Based Development, as we will explain later.  

Being able to apply this technical segmentation is also essential for making parallel changes, implementing significant modifications in small and safe steps, and thereby significantly reducing risk.

Generating Options

Generating options is essential for making well-founded decisions. Every decision should consider multiple alternatives; we usually try to have at least three or four. To facilitate the generation of options, we can ask ourselves questions such as:  

  • What other options would you consider if you had half the time?  
  • Which options require new dependencies?  
  • What solutions have you implemented in similar problems in the past?  
  • What is the minimum degree of sophistication required for the solution?  
  • Who could benefit from the change? Could we deliver it to each user group independently?  

These questions help us generate options that the team can then evaluate, always trying to select those that quickly provide value (learning, capacity, uncertainty reduction, etc.) while committing as little as possible.  

This way of working allows us to move forward in small steps, always maintaining visibility over the different options we can take to continue addressing the problem or redirect it if the steps taken aren’t achieving the desired impact. As you can see, everything converges into working with small advances, learning, making decisions as late as possible, and striving for the simplest solutions.

One tool we use often for generating options and performing vertical slicing is the “hamburger method” by Gojko Adzic.  

With this method, we aim to divide a functionality or solution into the steps necessary to provide value to the user. These steps are visualized as “layers” of the hamburger, and for each layer, we force ourselves to generate at least three or four options. Then we select at least one option from each layer to decide which will be the first increment to implement. Once that first increment is implemented and delivered, and with user feedback in hand, we repeat the process to implement one of the other options.  

This continuous process doesn’t end when we implement all the identified options, but when the functionality is good enough, or there is another functionality or higher-priority problem to invest in. In other words, we invest in what’s most important until the user is satisfied or until a new priority arises. 


Simplicity is one of the core values of XP (eXtreme Programming) and, by extension, of well-understood agility. A mantra of agile development is, “Do the simplest thing that could possibly work.” This means starting with the simplest, minimal solution that works, iterating, and improving based on feedback.

The simplest solution is not always the easiest to implement. Sometimes, avoiding unnecessary complexity requires significant effort. True simplicity is the result of conscious design that evolves gradually.

Two-Step Development 

Kent Beck advises us to “Do the simplest thing that could possibly work,” but this is often confused with “the first thing that comes to mind” or “the only thing I know how to do.” An effective way to ensure we are choosing the simplest option possible is to divide any change or increment into two parts:  
  1. Preparation: Adjust the current codebase so the new functionality can be introduced easily.  
  2. Implementation: Introduce the actual change.

This separation avoids speculative design and ensures that only the minimum necessary changes are made to integrate the new functionality, following Kent Beck’s principle:  
“Make the change easy, then make the easy change.”

YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It)

Closely related to the above point, the YAGNI principle reminds us that many ideas we come up with will likely never be needed. It encourages us to focus only on what we need *now* and helps us avoid speculative design, keeping us focused on what is truly relevant at the moment.  

Even when we identify something that might be needed in the near future, YAGNI prompts us to question whether it is truly essential for current needs, reminding us to postpone it. If the system is simple and easy to evolve, it will be easy to introduce those changes later.

Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Outside-In TDD 

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a practice that involves writing a test first to define the desired behavior of a functionality, before writing the code to implement it. From there, the developer writes the minimum code necessary to pass the test, followed by a refactoring process to improve the code design without changing its behavior. This cycle is repeated continuously, ensuring that every line of code has a clear and defined purpose, avoiding unnecessary or superfluous code.  

Outside-In TDD is a variation of TDD that starts from the broadest business use cases and works its way inward to the system's implementation. By starting from business needs and writing only the code necessary to pass each test at each level (from the highest functional level to the individual pieces of code), this approach ensures that only essential code is created. It prevents unnecessary code or features that are not currently required, avoiding speculative design and adhering to the YAGNI principle.

In our team, we use Outside-In TDD as the default workflow for all new code, except in cases where this flow isn’t beneficial (e.g., spikes, complex algorithms, etc.). This means that approximately 5-10% of the code may be experimental for learning purposes, which is discarded afterward and typically isn’t tested. Another 10% corresponds to tasks where tests are written afterward (e.g., library integrations or complex algorithms). The remaining majority of the code is developed using Outside-In TDD.  

This approach minimizes waste and inherently adheres to the YAGNI principle since no code or design is created that doesn’t align with the current increment. As the current increment is defined through radical vertical slicing, we work in small steps, with minimal waste, and make decisions as late as possible.

An additional advantage of this process is that it facilitates quick error resolution, both in code and design, as progress is constantly verified step by step. When an error is detected, it is most likely in the last test or the last change made, allowing for quick and stress-free recovery.

Continuous Integration (Trunk-Based Development)

If there is one technical practice that forces and helps us work in small steps, with constant feedback, enabling us to decide as late as possible while learning and adapting at maximum speed, it’s Continuous Integration (CI).  

First, it’s important to clarify that Continuous Integration is an XP practice in which all team members integrate their code into a main branch frequently (at least once a day). In other words, this practice is equivalent to Trunk-Based Development, where there is only one main branch on which all developers make changes (usually in pairs or teams).  

This practice has nothing to do with running automated tests on feature branches. In fact, I would say it is directly incompatible with working on separate branches for each functionality.  

Unfortunately, this approach is not the most common in the industry, but I can assure you that, along with TDD, it is one of the practices that has the most impact on teams. In every team I’ve worked with, the introduction of Continuous Integration/TBD has caused a spectacular change. It has forced us to work in very small (but safe) steps, giving us the agility and adaptability we sought.  

Of course, like any practice, it requires effort and the learning of tactics to frequently deploy to production without showing incomplete functionalities to the user. It’s necessary to master strategies that separate deployment (technical decision) from the release to users (business decision). The most common strategies are:  
  • Feature toggles: Allow features to be turned on or off, perform A/B testing, or show new features only to certain clients (internal, beta testers, etc.).  
  • Gradual deployment: Methods like canary releases or ring deployments allow for a progressive rollout of changes.  
  • Dark launches: Launch a feature without making it visible to the client, only to perform performance or compatibility tests.  
  • Shadow launches: Run a new algorithm or process in parallel with the old one, but without showing results to the end user.

Evolutionary Design  

This central XP practice allows us to develop software incrementally, continuously refactoring the design so it evolves according to business needs. In practice, it involves creating the simplest possible design that meets current requirements and then evolving it in small steps as we learn and add new functionalities.

Within evolutionary design, tactics include:  
  • Two-step development.
  • Continuous refactoring in the TDD cycle.  
  • Opportunistic refactoring.  
  • Avoiding premature abstractions ([See:  
  • Parallel changes to keep tests green while making multi-step changes.  
  • Branch by abstraction and the Expand/Contract pattern to facilitate parallel changes.

It’s important to note that beyond the tactics you use to guide the design in small steps, it’s essential to develop a sense of design within the team. None of these practices alone teach object-oriented design. Therefore, the team must not only learn to make incremental design changes but also acquire a deep understanding of object-oriented design principles.

Differentiated Evolutionary Design

In general, in my teams, we always try to work in small steps, focusing on what we need at the moment and letting new needs guide changes in architecture and design. At the same time, we recognize that the ease of evolution and the friction generated by change depend heavily on the type of code being affected. We know that modifying code that implements business rules, an internal API between teams, or a customer-facing API are not the same in terms of friction.

Each of these cases involves varying degrees of friction to change (i.e., different levels of ease of evolution). Therefore, we apply a differentiated evolutionary design approach based on the type of code.  

For code with higher friction to change, such as a customer-facing API, we dedicate more time to a robust design that allows for evolution without requiring frequent changes. Conversely, for internal business logic code that is only used in specific cases, we adopt a more flexible evolutionary approach, allowing the design to emerge naturally from the development process.

Other Tactics and Practices

Of course, these are not the only tactics and practices to consider, but I do believe they are the ones that help us the most. Here are some additional tips and heuristics that, while not full-fledged practices in themselves, contribute to decision-making and generally make it easier to work in small steps and postpone decisions as much as possible:  

  • Prioritize libraries over frameworks to avoid locking in options and maintain greater flexibility.  
  • Focus on making code usable (and understandable) rather than reusable, unless your business is selling libraries or components to other developers.  
  • Use solid, “boring” technology that is widely accepted by the community.  
  • Create thin wrappers over external components/libraries to clearly define which parts of a component are being used and to facilitate testing. You can learn more about this approach at  
  • Separate infrastructure from business code through Ports and Adapters or another architecture that clearly differentiates them.  
  • Apply evolutionary architecture, starting with a minimal architecture and adapting it to business needs, postponing hard-to-reverse decisions as much as possible.


In software development, the key lies in adopting a conscious approach to our decisions, working in small, low-risk steps, and focusing solely on what we need now. Simplicity and clarity must be priorities to maximize efficiency and minimize waste.  

The practices of eXtreme Programming (XP), together with the principles of Lean Software Development, provide us with a clear guide to avoid waste and over-engineering. Understanding that we cannot predict the future with certainty, we focus on building systems that are easy to understand and evolve, avoiding unnecessary complexity. Working this way means steering clear of oversized or highly configurable solutions, which often become obstacles to system evolution.  

Ultimately, it’s about being humble: acknowledging that we don’t have all the answers and that the only way to find the right solution is through experimentation and continuous learning. In short, simplicity, agility, and responsiveness are fundamental to developing software effectively in an ever-changing environment.  

If I had to choose the techniques and practices that have the greatest impact on my teams for working in small, safe steps and postponing decisions, I would say they are:  
  • Vertical slicing
  • Continuous Integration / Trunk-Based Development  
  • TDD (Test-Driven Development)  
All with a constant focus on simplicity.  

Each of the practices and tactics mentioned in this article is broad and could be explored in greater depth. I would love to know if there is interest in delving into any of them further, as it would be enriching to explore in greater detail those that are most useful or intriguing to readers.  


Friday, January 03, 2025

Decide as Late as Possible: Product Limits

 Translated from the original article in Spanish

As we mentioned in the previous article in the series on Lean Software Development, we will continue exploring techniques that allow us to make decisions as late as possible.

We begin by systematically defining Product Limits.

When developing an increment of the solution we are implementing, it is essential to establish concrete limits on all parameters that might introduce complexity. This allows us to focus on what provides value now and postpone more sophisticated solutions, avoiding additional costs and complexity. Over time, these limits will evolve and force us to modify the solution, but this approach allows us to delay each decision and avoid the cost of developing and evolving that more complex solution until absolutely necessary.

It is crucial that when defining a limit, it is incorporated into the code or solution so that, if exceeded, the application behaves in a controlled manner, alerting the team and possibly the user.

Examples of Limits I Have Used:

  • Total number of customers/users.
  • Number of concurrent customers/users.
  • Maximum file sizes that can be uploaded to the system.
  • Quotas per user (storage, requests, number of entities, etc.).
  • Numeric values for any business concept (in the problem domain).
  • Response times for various requests.
  • Resolutions/Devices for the UI.

If we do not clearly define these limits numerically, we open the door to speculative design to address situations we are not yet facing.

Examples of Using Limits to "Decide as Late as Possible"

Knowing and defining the total number of customers on various occasions has allowed me to offer very simple solutions for persistence that were useful for months before requiring changes. For example, if the number of users is small, using file-based persistence and loading the information into memory is feasible. It also allows us to use solutions like SQLite and postpone the decision to introduce a separate database engine.

By limiting the size of requests (in terms of volume) and defining connection scenarios, we can offer robust and simple solutions, processing requests synchronously. This postpones the need for an asynchronous solution. For example, on one occasion, we needed to allow users to upload files to the system; the initial implementation only allowed very small files. This enabled us to create a simple implementation and obtain very quick feedback (in less than 2 days). A few weeks later, once we saw that the functionality made sense, we improved the implementation to support larger files.

In several situations where each user accumulated storage (files/objects), defining a product limit for the total storage for all users, another limit for each user, and another limit to indicate when we needed to start worrying about this issue helped us postpone implementing any control and management measures for this storage until one of the defined limits was reached.

To illustrate the systematic use of these limits with a concrete example, at Alea Soluciones, we launched a new product for managing/controlling a fiber network and the routers of end customers in less than 3 months. We knew our clients at the time had no more than 1,000–2,000 users. We knew the operators of the management system were no more than 2–3 concurrent people. We also knew that to gain more users, our clients often had to deploy fiber to the home or at least visit the user’s home to install the router, meaning growth was limited to 2–5 users per week. With this context, the initial version of the management system was a web server that processed everything synchronously, storing user information in memory and persisting changes to a file as needed. This allowed us to allocate much more time to other system components (integration with fiber headers, remote router configuration systems, router monitoring systems, etc.). Of course, the system evolved, and we improved it, but we always waited until the last responsible moment for each decision to introduce new technology.

Another simple example comes from ClarityAI, where, to create a chat-ops tool in Slack offering some internal platform capabilities, certain limits were defined, both in maximum response times and in the volume of information processed. By defining a high maximum response time (2s) but lower than Slack's supported time for synchronous responses to commands (3s), we were able to postpone implementing an asynchronous solution for quite some time. This application handles information about technical inventory components (code repositories, Docker repositories, etc.) and teams and people. We saw it was easy to define maximums for each of the elements, and in all cases, the maximum was below 1,000 items. These limits allowed us to avoid significant complexity, simply relying on a NoCode backend (Airtable) as the database, which also provided a basic administration frontend. We know perfectly well that when we exceed these limits, we will have to consider a more sophisticated and scalable solution, but postponing that decision has allowed us to develop this application very quickly for over two and a half years.

Related Resources:

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Unraveling My Thought Journey: Discoveries from a Multi-Year Twitter Log via LLM

These days, it's common to reflect on the past year, but instead of doing that, I decided to try something different: an experiment. As I'm transitioning from Twitter (yes, I don’t think I’ll ever call it X) to Bluesky, I took the opportunity to back up all my tweets since I joined Twitter in 2007. My goal? To experiment and see if I could uncover anything interesting using a large language model (LLM).

After a bit of cleanup, I organized my tweets into two files: one in chronological order and another sorted by engagement (likes + retweets). I then uploaded both files to Google's NotebookLM and started testing various prompts to see what insights I could extract.

I hypothesized that with tweets spanning back to 2007, it should be possible to trace the evolution of my thinking. To my delight, the results exceeded my expectations.

I’ll share the outcome of the experiment here:

My Thinking Evolution Based on My Tweets

Here is a summary of my thinking evolution, as reflected in my tweets:

Key Themes:

  • Technical Exploration: I am passionate about technology and have always enjoyed exploring new tools and techniques. My early tweets reflect this, as I often share links to interesting resources and discuss my experiences with various programming languages and technologies.
  • Python Enthusiast: I have a particular fondness for Python, which has been a constant throughout my tweets. I frequently share Python-related content and participate in Python communities.
  • Shift Towards Agile and Lean: Over time, my focus has expanded beyond technical skills to encompass broader software development principles. I have become increasingly interested in Agile methodologies, DevOps practices, and Lean Software Development. This is evident in my tweets, as I often share content related to these topics and discuss my experiences applying them.
  • Focus on Software Craftsmanship: I value writing high-quality, maintainable code. My tweets often reflect my interest in topics like TDD, refactoring, and clean code. I believe in continuous improvement and strive to become a better software developer.
  • Lifelong Learning: I am a firm believer in lifelong learning and am always eager to expand my knowledge. My tweets often feature links to interesting talks, podcasts, and books that I have found valuable.
  • Social and Personal Insights: While technology is a major focus, my tweets also offer glimpses into my personal life and social views. I occasionally comment on current events, share personal anecdotes, and reflect on work-life balance.

My Thinking Evolution:

  • Early Exploration (2009-2010): In the early days of my Twitter journey, my focus was primarily on exploring various technologies and tools. I was experimenting with different programming languages and approaches, seeking efficient solutions to technical challenges. My tweets from this period reveal a hands-on, problem-solving mindset.
  • Embracing Agile (2011-2013): As I gained more experience, I began to recognize the limitations of purely technical approaches to software development. I became increasingly drawn to Agile methodologies, seeing their potential to foster collaboration, iterative development, and value-driven delivery. My tweets from this period reflect my growing interest in Scrum, TDD, and related practices.
  • Expanding to DevOps and Lean (2014-Present): My understanding of software development continued to evolve, encompassing DevOps practices and Lean Software Development principles. I became fascinated by the idea of streamlining the entire software development lifecycle, from coding to deployment and operations. My tweets from this period show my enthusiasm for topics like continuous delivery, automation, flow, and minimizing waste.
  • Focus on Outcomes and Impact (Recent Years): In recent years, my perspective has matured to prioritize the outcomes and impact of software development over simply churning out features. I am more conscious of the need to deliver real value to users and businesses, minimize waste, and focus on building the right things. This shift in thinking is apparent in my tweets, which often emphasize the importance of user-centric design, data-driven decision-making, and measuring the impact of our work.

Overall, my thinking evolution, as documented in my tweets, demonstrates a journey from a technically focused programmer to a more well-rounded software development professional with a strong grasp of Agile, DevOps, and Lean principles. I am passionate about continuous learning, striving for excellence in my craft, and ultimately, delivering valuable and impactful software.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Conversaciones sobre Desarrollo, Producto e Impacto

Quiero compartir contigo una breve conversación en formato de preguntas y respuestas, donde repaso mi trayectoria profesional y reflexiono sobre la importancia de reducir el Costo Basal del software. Estas notas —preparadas antes de grabar el podcast "Tenemos que hablar de producto"— sintetizan mi visión sobre la industria y cómo intento generar un impacto positivo tanto en el negocio como en la vida de los usuarios. Espero que encuentres algo valioso en estas reflexiones, ya seas un desarrollador experimentado o alguien que está comenzando su camino con enfoque en producto.

1. Trayectoria Profesional

P: ¿Cómo iniciaste tu carrera en tecnología y qué te atrajo inicialmente del desarrollo de software?

R: Mis primeros pasos fueron a mediados de los 80 con una computadora ZX Spectrum. Desde el inicio me fascinó la idea de poder crear cosas a través de un lenguaje de programación. Decidí dedicarme a ello porque soy muy curioso y, creo, también bastante creativo; para mí, los ordenadores eran pura magia. Con el tiempo, tomé decisiones profesionales enfocadas en aprender y comprender cómo funcionan realmente las cosas: Linux, programación orientada a objetos, startups, la nube (cloud), escalabilidad técnica y organizacional, entre otros temas.

P: ¿Cuál dirías que ha sido la lección más importante que aprendiste al enfrentar desafíos en tu carrera?

R: Que lo más difícil siempre son las personas. Además, he aprendido que el mayor desperdicio en el desarrollo de software es hacer lo que no se necesita. Y, lo que es peor, no atreverse a eliminarlo después por miedo o por inercia. Esto impacta negativamente tanto en la calidad del producto como en el entorno de trabajo.

2. El Rol del Developer en Empresas de Producto

P: ¿Cuál es, en tu opinión, el rol esencial de un desarrollador en una empresa de producto?

R: Creo que el rol esencial de un desarrollador es resolver problemas o aportar valor al usuario de manera que también beneficie al negocio. Esto implica hacerlo con la menor cantidad de software y esfuerzos posibles, trabajando en pequeños incrementos y buscando retroalimentación constante. Idealmente, el desarrollador también se involucra en la identificación de problemas y oportunidades.

P: ¿Qué habilidades necesita un developer, además de las técnicas, para realmente aportar valor en un entorno de producto?

R: Las que solemos llamar *soft skills* son cruciales. De forma muy resumida:  

  • Colaboración: saber comunicarse, empatizar y comprender tanto a los clientes como a los colegas.
  • Aprendizaje continuo: entender el negocio, proponer mejores soluciones y adaptarse a nuevos equipos y tecnologías.

P: ¿Cómo ves la importancia de prácticas como DevOps y Continuous Delivery en la creación de productos escalables y sostenibles?

R: Son esenciales para trabajar con incrementos pequeños y lograr una retroalimentación constante. El propósito central de DevOps y la Programación Extrema (XP) es hacer que la Entrega Continua (Continuous Delivery) sea eficiente y viable. Esto nos permite experimentar, validar ideas y adaptarnos rápidamente, siguiendo los principios de Lean Software Development y Lean Startup, popularizados por personas como Mary Poppendieck o Eric Ries.

3. El Costo Basal del Software

P: ¿Podrías explicar brevemente el concepto de "Costo Basal" del software y cómo afecta la capacidad de un equipo para innovar?

R: El Costo Basal del software es el costo continuo que genera una pieza de software simplemente por existir. Esto incluye el mantenimiento, la complejidad añadida al sistema y la carga cognitiva para el equipo. Muchas personas lo comparan con construir un edificio que luego permanece inmutable, pero el software es más como un jardín: crece, cambia y necesita cuidado constante. Mantener funcionalidad irrelevante se convierte en un lastre, limitando la capacidad del equipo para innovar.

P: ¿Qué prácticas clave recomiendas para minimizar el costo basal en un proyecto de software a largo plazo?


  • Aplicar principios de Lean Software Development y Lean Product Development, enfocándose en el impacto máximo con la mínima solución posible (menos código y esfuerzo).
  • Adoptar prácticas técnicas de Extreme Programming (XP), como Outside-in TDD, para escribir solo el código necesario y garantizar alta calidad frente a futuros cambios.

P: ¿Cómo crees que el costo basal influye en las decisiones sobre mantenimiento o eliminación de características?

R: Debería tener un impacto significativo, pero muchas veces se pasa por alto. Las empresas suelen evitar eliminar funcionalidades antiguas por miedo o inercia, incluso cuando ya no aportan valor. Un enfoque de producto consciente evalúa periódicamente cada funcionalidad para justificar su existencia. Si algo no genera retorno ni aprendizaje, es mejor retirarlo para reducir la carga sobre el equipo y el sistema.

4. Consideraciones para Negocio (CEO y Producto) al Comunicarse con Tecnología

P: ¿Qué es lo más importante que debería entender un CEO o líder de producto sobre el desarrollo de software para comunicarse mejor con los equipos técnicos?


  1. Entender el valor de forma integral: no solo se trata de aumentar el retorno, sino de protegerlo y evitar costos innecesarios.
  2. Concebir el software como algo vivo, que evoluciona continuamente, no como un edificio que se construye y queda estático.
  3. Reconocer el Costo Basal del software y cómo gestionarlo estratégicamente.
  4. Valorar al equipo técnico como un aliado clave en las decisiones de producto, especialmente cuando los desarrolladores adoptan una mentalidad de Product Engineers.

P: ¿Qué métricas o indicadores recomendarías revisar en conjunto entre negocio y tecnología para asegurar un desarrollo sostenible y alineado a los objetivos?


  • Métricas Lean como Lead time y Cycle time, además de la cantidad de retrabajo (esfuerzo extra necesario por errores, problemas o decisiones inadecuadas).
  • Tiempo desde la generación de una idea hasta obtener el primer feedback real.
  • Métricas de negocio comprensibles y accesibles para el equipo técnico.
  • Métricas DORA para evaluar la salud del proceso de ingeniería: frecuencia de despliegues, tiempo de recuperación ante fallos, tasa de cambios fallidos, etc.

Conclusiones y Consejo Final

Para líderes de negocio: mi recomendación es que aprendan Lean (Lean Startup, Lean Product Development y Lean Software Development) y adopten sus principios. Esto les permitirá ser más eficientes y sostenibles al buscar valor y gestionar equipos.

Para desarrolladores: recordar siempre que la tecnología es un medio, no un fin. El foco debe estar en el impacto que generamos para el negocio, pero de una manera sostenible a largo plazo: Build the right thing, and build the thing right.

Por último, para todos: la parte difícil siempre son las personas y la colaboración. Invirtamos en mejorar esto, porque es lo que realmente hace la diferencia. ¡Hagamos que cuente!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Cloud Mindset: A Different Way of Thinking (tech Pill)

When building software systems in the cloud, we must adopt a different perspective compared to architecting for on-premises data centers or legacy VPS environments. In traditional setups, capacity is fixed, requiring months of lead time to scale, which makes resources both expensive and scarce. The cloud, however, flips these limitations on their head by offering abundant, rapidly provisioned resources—reshaping how we think about infrastructure and application design.

Traditional Infrastructure: Limitations of the Past

  • Fixed capacity: Scaling up in on-premises environments or VPS setups can take months because it involves purchasing and installing new hardware.
  • Scarce resources: Businesses often invest in the bare minimum of hardware to minimize costs, leaving little room for flexibility.
  • High costs: Upfront hardware purchases and ongoing maintenance are expensive, with costs that must be amortized over time.

The Cloud Paradigm: A New Frontier

In the cloud, servers, storage, and databases feel virtually limitless. These resources can be spun up or down in minutes, allowing teams to adapt quickly to changing needs. This flexibility is both cost-effective and efficient. However, to fully leverage these benefits, we need to shift both our mindset and engineering practices.

Key Principles of the Cloud Mindset

1. Treat Resources as Disposable (Owning vs. Renting a Fleet of Cars)

In traditional IT environments, servers are treated like personally owned cars—carefully maintained, upgraded over time, and expected to last for years. In the cloud, the mindset shifts: servers resemble a fleet of rental cars—standardized, easy to replace, and requiring minimal upkeep. This approach highlights the importance of automation and uniform configurations. When a server or infrastructure component fails, it shouldn’t be manually repaired. Instead, it should be automatically replaced.

Recommended Reading: The History of Pets vs. Cattle and How to Use the Analogy Properly (In cloud architecture, servers are treated as commodities, often explained with the “cattle, not pets” analogy.)

2. Design for Failure

Failures are inevitable in cloud platforms, which run on commodity hardware distributed across multiple data centers and regions. Instead of trying to prevent every failure, embrace them by designing for resilience. Use redundancies, fault tolerance, and graceful degradation to ensure your application continues to operate when something breaks.

Key takeaway: Assume failure will happen and architect your system to recover quickly and minimize impact.

3. Define Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation, let you define and version-control your infrastructure. This approach makes provisioning fast, consistent, and repeatable. With IaC, you can test, review, and iterate on infrastructure changes the same way you do with application code.

Learn More: Immutable Infrastructure (Tech Pill)

4. Take Advantage of Cloud Elasticity

Elastic scalability is one of the cloud’s biggest advantages. Instead of over-provisioning for occasional traffic spikes, you can scale up during peak loads and scale down when demand decreases. To do this effectively, design your applications for horizontal scaling—adding more instances rather than making existing ones bigger.

5. Pay Per Use: Rent, Don’t Buy

The cloud’s on-demand pricing model means you only pay for what you use. This flexibility allows you to scale resources up or down based on demand, helping you adapt quickly to changing usage patterns. By spinning up resources during heavy loads and deprovisioning them when idle, you keep costs under control without compromising capacity.

The Bigger Picture

Understanding cloud services, APIs, and GUIs is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cloud adoption. The true transformation lies in embracing a fundamental shift in engineering culture and design philosophy. It’s about accepting new assumptions that define how we build and operate in the cloud:

  • Resources are limitless: Stop hoarding and start focusing on how to use resources effectively.
  • Failure is inevitable: Design for resilience from the outset instead of trying to avoid every possible failure.
  • Speed matters: Leverage automation, scripting, and repeatable processes to enable rapid experimentation and iteration.

A New Engineering Challenge

“Construct a highly agile and highly available service from ephemeral and assumed broken components.” Adrian Cockcroft

This challenge captures the essence of building in the cloud. Unlike traditional data centers, the cloud requires us to design for an environment where components are temporary and failure is expected. Adopting a true “cloud mindset” means rethinking old habits and fully leveraging the cloud’s unique characteristics to deliver robust, scalable, and cost-effective solutions.

Key Takeaways

In summary, building for the cloud means embracing four key principles:

  • Embrace disposability: Treat infrastructure as temporary and replaceable.
  • Design for failure: Build resilience into your system instead of trying to prevent every failure.
  • Automate everything: Use tools and processes that allow for speed and consistency.
  • Pay only for what you use: Take advantage of the cloud’s cost-efficiency by scaling dynamically.

By adopting these principles, you’ll create services that are highly available, scalable, and agile—perfectly aligned with the demands of modern business.


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Lean Software Development: Decide as Late as Possible

Translated from the original article in Spanish

Lean Software Development starts from the premise that software and digital product development is a constant learning exercise (see Amplify Learning). With this premise, it is clear that the more information we have before making a decision, the better its quality will be. Therefore, deciding as late as possible allows us to be more effective. At the same time, there is a cost (or risk) associated with not making a decision, which increases over time. For this reason, we should aim for the "last responsible moment", the optimal point for making a decision with the most information possible, without the cost of delay outweighing the potential benefit of obtaining more information by postponing it.

Advantages of Delaying Decisions and Keeping Options Open

Postponing decisions is a fundamental strategy in lean software development. Although it is not always easy and requires practice, this tactic enables the creation of sustainable and easy-to-evolve products. One of the main advantages of making decisions later is that it provides a better understanding of both the business and technology, which in turn facilitates more informed and accurate decision-making.

Additionally, delaying decisions leads to simpler and smaller solutions, reducing the effort required to implement them and avoiding unnecessary overhead. By keeping our options open, we focus only on what provides real value in the present, avoiding over-engineering and unnecessary work. This flexibility allows us to react quickly and effectively to any change without fear, which is crucial in the dynamic environment of software development.

Some specific advantages of delaying decisions include:

  • Less work and waste: Implementing only what is necessary at the moment reduces total work and waste.
  • Reduced effort in rework: If changes are needed, less effort is required because over-engineering has been avoided.
  • Greater flexibility and adaptability: Keeping options open enables us to adapt quickly to new requirements or changes in the environment.

A well-designed architecture allows delaying important decisions without compromising the product's quality or flexibility. This not only enables us to make better-informed decisions but also facilitates the creation of good architecture, which in turn allows the postponement of other critical decisions in the future. In short, this strategy allows us to move forward with less burden and greater agility, enhancing our ability to deliver continuous value.


My teams are empowered, end-to-end teams that have full authority over how to solve problems and, in many cases, even over which problems to solve. In such teams, numerous decisions of all kinds are made daily—decisions about the problem, potential solutions, implementation of those solutions, and the prioritization of where to invest (e.g., solving an issue, reducing uncertainty about a technical or product decision, determining next increments, etc.).

For example, when starting a new product or feature, the level of uncertainty is usually very high. In these cases, we prioritize reducing that uncertainty by breaking down critical decisions and assumptions into smaller parts and investing in product increments to obtain feedback, thereby reducing the uncertainty.

As we receive feedback, we learn more and adjust our assumptions/hypotheses accordingly. This iterative process helps us move from great uncertainty to greater clarity and confidence.

By continuously validating assumptions, we reduce risks and make more informed decisions.

These decisions occur continuously at all levels. It is part of the nature of our profession.

If we had to classify the types of decisions to be made, we could do so as follows:

  • Decisions about the problem and opportunity to explore
    • What: Where we should invest and why.
    • How: What solution or implementation strategy we believe is appropriate for the selected case.
  • Decisions about technology and implementation
    • At the architecture and technologies level.
    • At the design level of the solution at various levels.

It is important to note that decisions are never independent; they must always consider the context and knowledge of the team, as well as the existing system or product. It is as if we see problems and opportunities as the difference in knowledge or implementation between what we know or have and what we want to achieve.

In other words, it is always about making small increments in the direction and with the objective we need. Sometimes, it is about delivering value to the user; other times, it is about reducing the uncertainty of a decision we need to make. Always, it is an increment in the software (product/system) or in the knowledge the team has.

Breaking Down Decisions to Address Them Individually

One of the main ways to increase our chances of postponing decisions is to break down large decisions into small decisions and clearly separate those that are easily reversible from those that are irreversible (or very difficult to reverse).

Therefore, working to decide as late as possible involves doing so in very small steps or increments, which is fully aligned with the Lean mindset (working in small batches).

This process of breaking down is a continuous practice that allows the team to address everything from where to invest in the next quarter to what to do in the next few hours. We should see it as a systematic way of thinking that is recurrently applied at all levels.


Deciding as late as possible is a key strategy in Lean Software Development that maximizes the quality of decisions by leveraging the most information available. This practice contributes to creating more sustainable, flexible, and adaptable products.

The main advantages are:

  • Reduction of waste: Focusing only on what is necessary minimizes redundant work and avoids over-engineering.
  • Greater flexibility: Keeping options open allows for rapid adaptation to environmental or requirement changes.
  • More informed decisions: Postponing decisions until the last responsible moment results in more accurate and effective decisions.
  • Increased adaptability: Facilitates the implementation of simple, small solutions, reducing the effort needed for changes and improvements.

It is essential that empowered teams adopt this mindset and become accustomed to breaking decisions into manageable steps. By doing so, they can incrementally reduce uncertainty, continuously validate their assumptions, and adjust strategies based on received feedback. This iterative approach reduces risks and strengthens the team's ability to deliver continuous value.

In upcoming articles, we will explore strategies and concrete examples of how to effectively postpone decisions, providing practical tools to implement this philosophy in your software development projects.

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