Sunday, May 31, 2020

Good talks/podcasts (May 2020 II)

These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
  • Technical Leadership for Empowered Teams (Emily Bache) [Agile, Architecture, Devops, Engineering Culture, Technical Practices, Technical leadership] Fascinating ideas of how agile development has evolved (DevOps, testing, mob programming) and how technology leadership must go through working with teams daily.
  • Product Strategy is About Saying No (Des Traynor) [Product] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Why Product strategy is mostly about saying no. Funny, short, thought-provoking and actionable. Imprescindible.
  • The Origins of Opera and the Future of Programming (Jessica Kerr) [Engineering Culture, Inspirational, Teams] There’s a story to tell, about musicians, artists, philosophers, scientists, and then programmers. There’s a truth inside it that leads to a new view of work, that sees beauty in the painful complexity that is software development. Starting from The Journal of the History of Ideas, Jessica traces the concept of an “invisible college” through music and art and science to programming. She finds the dark truth behind the 10x developer, a real definition of “Senior Developer” and a new name for our work and our teams.
  • Dynamic Reteaming at fast Growing Companies (Heidi Helfand) [Engineering Culture, Teams] Team change is inevitable, especially when your company is hiring like crazy and doubling in size. Your teams might grow and split — like mitosis. Twenty people might arrive in one day. What feels like tectonic shifts happen as you morph structurally to refocus people and work. How can we bring a humanistic stance to this dynamic reteaming? How can people be empowered to have ownership over their team change? How can we integrate new people without losing our sense of culture? We will explore questions like these and will discover practical strategies to master dynamic reteaming.
  • Product Tank Madrid: Focus on Impact with John Cutler - World Product Day 2020 (John Cutler) [Product] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Excellent talk. John presents all the learnings he had during the last three years, using his great article as a starting point ( Lots of knowledge and tips to introduce product thinking.
  • Rapid Prototyping & Product Management (Tom Chi) [Engineering Culture, Inspirational, Product] Tom Chi has practiced rapid prototyping for over 15 years, on everything from software to hardware, organisational design to entrepreneurship. And a lot of the lessons he has learned in rapid prototyping are directly applicable to the discipline of product management.

Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them, without seeing them.


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Good talks/podcasts (May 2020 I)

These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:

  • Passion, Grace, & Fire - The Elements of High Performance (Josh Evans) [Engineering Career, Engineering Culture, Management, Teams] Josh Evans talks about the elements of high performance: passion, grace, fire, and what matters when trying to build and shape teams for high performance. He focuses on a period at Netflix when demands on engineering to quickly deliver multiple, parallel, large-scale technical transformations was the norm. The transformations enabled a global, scalable, reliable, successful streaming platform.
  • Evolutionary Architecture as Product @ CircleCI (Robert Zuber) [Architecture, Design, Engineering Culture, Microservices, Product] Robert Zuber discusses how the evolution of software development since 2011 has driven the evolution of CircleCI's architecture. From the explosive adoption of Docker to the steady rise of microservice architectures, the changing demands of software engineering teams have proven to be deeply coupled with the structure of their service–far more than they anticipated when they started the business.
  • The Foundations of Continuous Delivery (Dave Farley) [Continuous Delivery, Devops, Engineering Culture] Fundamentals of continuous delivery and how it is helping companies produce better software, quicker.
  • If (domain logic) then CQRS, or Saga? (Udi Dahan) [Architecture, DDD, Design] The “if” statement – the guard clause that makes sure that what shouldn’t happen, can’t happen. We see it all over our code base, especially in our domain logic. The thing is, when we use properties of domain objects in those if-statements, we don’t even realize that other agents may have just changed that data – or will change it just a second later. In essence, hiding behind those little “ifs”, are all kinds of race conditions and collaborative domains – the places where CQRS approaches are necessary. Join Udi for a different perspective on domain logic, CQRS, and long-running processes. It will be quite a saga.
  • Continuous Delivery and the Theory of Constraints (Steve Smith) [Architecture, Continuous Delivery, Engineering Culture, Technical Practices] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) In this talk, Steve Smith will explain how easy it is for a Continuous Delivery programme to be unsuccessful, how the Theory Of Constraints works, how to apply the Five Focussing Steps to Continuous Delivery, and how to home in on the constrained activities that are your keys to success. It includes tales of glorious failures and ignominious successes when adopting Continuous Delivery.
  • Making Work Visible: How to Unmask Capacity Killing WIP (Dominica DeGrandis) [Agile, Company Culture, General, Lean, Management, inspirational, toc] Are you scrambling to meet deadlines only to find more requests piling up in your inbox? Hidden WIP is a major contributor to clogged value streams and overloaded employees, burdened with too many meetings and frustrating work routines. Making work visible highlights the problems leading to low productivity across the organization. In this talk, Dominica shares how to unmask the things that are killing your team’s capacity and their ability to optimize workflow.
  • Full Cycle Developers @Netflix (Greg Burrell) [Architecture, Devops, Engineering Culture, Management, Operations] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Greg Burrell presents Netflix’s journey from siloed teams to their Full Cycle Developer model for building and operating their services at Netflix. He discusses the various approaches they’ve tried, the motivations that pushed them to keep evolving, and the lessons learned along the way.
  • Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them, without seeing them.
