Sunday, June 26, 2022

Good talks/podcasts (Jun 2022 II)


These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
  • LOTE #7: Kelsey Hightower on Developer Experience, PaaS, and Testing in Production (Kelsey Hightower) [Cloud, Developer Productivity, Devex, Platform as a product] [Duration: 0:41:00] In the seventh episode of the Ambassador Livin’ on the Edge podcast, Kelsey Hightower, technologist at Google, discusses his thought on cloud developer experience, modern Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and explores the reality that every organisation is testing in production
  • Should Computers Run the World? (Hannah Fry) [AI, Data Science, General, Inspirational] [Duration: 0:36:00] Hannah Fry takes us on a tour of the good, the bad and the downright ugly of the algorithms that surround us. She lifts the lid on their inner workings, to demonstrate their power, expose their limitations, and examine whether they really are an improvement on the humans they are replacing.
  • Small Batches - PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) (Adam Hawkins) [Lean] [Duration: 0:06:00] Adam present's Dr. Deming's PDCA cycle and how it applies to the daily work of delivering software.
  • Steve Jobs on programmer productivity (Steve Jobs) [Lean Product Management, Lean Software Development] [Duration: 0:01:00] Excerpt (1m) of Steve Jobs presenting the software as a liability to minimize. You know, make impact, not software. "The way you get programmer productivity is not by increasing the lines of code per programmer per day. That doesn’t work. The way you get programmer productivity is by eliminating lines of code you have to write."
  • From initial request to software in production in 3 weeks (Christin Gorman) [Inspirational, Lean Software Development] [Duration: 0:22:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. Great talk on how to focus on the essentials and make simple solutions.
  • The Future of Mars Exploration (Anita Sengupta) [Inspirational] [Duration: 0:54:00] In this talk, you will learn about the motivation for Mars exploration and how computational modeling, high-tech solutions, and out-of-the-box thinking can be used to overcome engineering challenges.
Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them.


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Good talks/podcasts (Jun 2022 I)


These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
  • Scaling Organizations and Design with James Shore (James Shore) [Agile, Evolutionary Design, Software Design, XP] [Duration: 0:48:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Great interview with great ideas (mocking-free testing, scalability of horizontal organization, FAST framework, code evolution with evolutionary design...). Very worthwhile.
  • Feature Branches and Toggles in a Post-GitHub World (Sam Newman) [Continuous Delivery, Technical Practices, Trunk Based Development] [Duration: 0:50:00] In this presentation Sam explains how working in feature branches creates friction when our goal is to achieve continuous delivery. Sam explains how to use Feature Toggles to improve delivery frequency.
  • From Kubernetes to PaaS to ... Err, What's Next? (Daniel Bryant) [Developer Productivity, Devex, Platform, Platform as a product] [Duration: 0:31:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) In this talk Daniel reviews his experience in building platforms, both as an end-user and now as part of an organization that helps our clients do the same. She discusses topics such as DevEx, UX, workflows, available tools, etc.
  • Make Impacts Not Software (Gojko Adzic) [Lean Product Management, Lean Software Development, Product, Product Strategy] [Duration: 0:51:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) An essential talk to understand how to get the most impact with the least amount of software (and thereby reduce basal cost and time to market). Highly recommended.
  • The Difference between Software Engineering and Manufacturing (Donald Reinertsen) [Lean Product Management, Product] [Duration: 0:09:00] In this interview, Don explains the basic difference between applying lean to a manufacturing process and to a digital/software product creation process.
  • the deep synergy between testability and good design (Michael Feathers) [Software Design, Technical Practices, XP, testing] [Duration: 0:50:00] Interesting talk about how to do good software design and the relationship between this design and the ease of testing.
  • Less - The Path to Better Design (Sandi Metz) [OOP, Software Design] [Duration: 0:50:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) This talk strips away the well-known design principles and exposes the hidden, underlying goals of design. It reveals programming techniques that allow you to write less code while creating beautiful, flexible applications.
Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them.
