A bunch of software developers created the famous manifesto. And the complete name is Manifesto for Agile Software Development. The title is not Agile Manifesto or Manifesto for Business Agility. It was created by developers, to improve how we develop software and it was an excellent improvement on software creation 20 years ago. Right now it is not good enough and should be adapted to the industry evolution (perhaps including DevOps, Continuous Delivery or ideas from Modern Agile).
If you want an adaptable business that's optimized for this VUCA world, you need business agility and in a lot of cases these days, agile software development. The good news is that all of these concepts are grounded on the same roots, and principles and need a common culture (respect for people, continuous learning, continuous improvement, etc.).
So don't blame the Manifesto for Agile Software Development or the agile software developers for not solving problems that are outside the original scope and need other skills and practices. Complement this way of doing software development with other great disciplines that have common roots and principles and are very compatible.
When you are trying to do the right thing, learn about lean product development, design sprints, lean startup, customer research, dual track agile, etc. When you need to do the thing right (assuming software based company), learn about Extreme Programming (XP), DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Scrum, etc.
So focus on Continuous Incremental Improvement and Respect for People. Do the right thing and do the thing right.