Monday, September 19, 2022

Good talks/podcasts (Sept 2022 I)

These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
  • 20 Questions To Ask Your Next Employer (Dave Farley) [Engineering Career, Engineering Culture] [Duration: 0:17:00] In this episode, Dave Farley offers his advice on how to pick great employers. He describes the things you should explore, when looking for a new job, to decide if a potential employer is only talking a good game, rather than playing a good game.
  • Agile at Tesla with Joe Justice Agile Munich (Joe Justice) [Agile, Lean] [Duration: 0:58:00] interesting description of the agile principles and practices applied at tesla.
  • FYAC: The 3 Levels of User Story Slicing (Neil Killick) [Agile, Lean Product Management, Product Discovery, slicing] [Duration: 0:37:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Very good ideas on how to approach product slicing, option generation and agile product development.
  • The Sociotechnical Path to High-Performing Teams (Charity Majors) [Continuous Delivery, Devops, Engineering Culture, Teams, team topologies] [Duration: 0:41:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) This talk describe the social and technical strategies that great teams all of the world are using to be happier, more productive and make their users happy too.
  • Tips For Building Successful Platform Teams (Dave Farley) [Platform, Platform as a product, Platform teams] [Duration: 0:22:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) In this episode, Dave describes the pitfalls common to platform teams, the principles that are important for platform engineering, the strategic goals that platform teams can use to guide their decisions, and some tips for platform teams that will help them protect their users from changes in services.
  • Resilience In Complex Adaptive Systems (Richard Cook) [Inspirational, Resilience] [Duration: 0:20:00] This talk introduces resilience and a model of system dynamics useful in analyzing failed and successful event management and offer an explanation for why our systems run at the edge of failure.
  • Operational simplicity is a gift to you (Gary Bernhardt) [Architecture, Design, Inspirational, Operations] [Duration: 0:57:00] Very entertaining episode with great examples of how to make very operable systems by systematically searching for simplicity.
Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them.
