- Autonomy, mastery, purpose (Drive summary) (Dan Pink) [Inspirational, Management] [Duration: 0:03:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Daniel Pink shares a study about what truly motivates employees. Excerpted from his talk on "motivation."
- The puzzle of motivation (Dan Pink) [Inspirational, Management] [Duration: 0:18:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think.
- The secret to giving great feedback (LeeAnn Renninger) [Management] [Duration: 0:05:00] Cognitive psychologist LeeAnn Renniger shares a scientifically proven method for giving effective feedback.
- Making Badass Developers (Kathy Sierra) [Developer Productivity, Devex, Inspirational] [Duration: 0:23:00] Interesting talk to understand how cognitive load works, how we learn and how we should take into account these concepts to improve our experience as developers.
- Responsible Engineers and Outcomes with Mary and Tom Poppendieck (Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck) [Agile, Engineering Culture, Lean Product Management, Lean Software Development] [Duration: 0:49:00] Mary and Tom Poppendieck discuss about "Responsible Engineers and Outcomes". They walkthrough concrete examples of what it looks like for lean teams to maximize outcomes and minimize outputs. While exploring these examples, they touch on customer interaction, feedback, the responsible engineer, and the single threaded leader.
- Production - Designing for Testability (Michael Bryzek) [Continuous Delivery, Devops, Engineering Culture, Testing in production, testing] [Duration: 0:50:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Michael Bryzek explores what it’s like to build quality software with no development, QA, or staging environments. He includes a deep dive into “verification in production” and what it really takes to build software that can safely be tested continuously in production.
- Keynote: Creating a Holistic Developer Experience (Jasmine James) [Developer Productivity, Devex] [Duration: 0:15:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Great talk to understand what is development experience.
- OOP is Dead! Long Live OODD! (David West) [OOP, Software Design] [Duration: 1:07:00] Interesting talk about object orientation, the history and how in many cases we don't understand it correctly. It's a bit ranty, but very interesting and inspiring in any case.
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