These are great talks that I've seen this month:
- 275-rr-the-evolution-of-agile-and-evolutionary-design-with-james-shore James Shore
- Software, Faster GOTO 2016 Dan North
- The silver bullet syndrome Hadi Hariri
- Lean Enterprise GOTO 2016 Barry O'Reilly
- The entity Microservice Trap (you may be doing it wrong) GOTO 2016 Fred George. Very interesting because lot of the advantages of the microservices are only available when using asynchronous messaging.
- The Economics of Software Design J.B. Rainsberger. Bad audio and very log, but lot of advice and information. Deserve the effort :)
- I Don't Know Prolog, and so Can You Corey Haines
- Event Sourcery Sebastian von Conrad, James Ross. Very introductory but at the same time very good explanation about event sourcing.
- 7 minutes, 26 seconds, and the Fundamental Theorem of Agile Software Development J. B. Rainsberger. Essential... and only 7:26m. (It is the fifth time I see this talk...).
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