Sunday, October 17, 2021

Good talks/podcasts (October 2021 II)

These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:

  • How conscious investors can turn up the heat and make companies change (Vinay Shandal) [Inspirational] [Duration: 0:13:00] In a talk that's equal parts funny and urgent, consultant Vinay Shandal shares stories of the world's top activist investors, showing how individuals and institutions can take a page from their playbook and put pressure on companies to drive positive change. "It's your right to have your money managed in line with your values," Shandal says. "Use your voice, and trust that it matters."
  • Software at Scale 13 - Emma Tang: ex Data Infrastructure Lead, Stripe (Emma Tang) [Big Data, Data Engineering, Operations, Platform, Technical Practices] [Duration: 0:41:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Effective Management of Big Data Platforms. Very interesting discussion about the technological and organizational challenges of maintaining big data platforms.
  • Improving Software Flow (Randy Shoup) [Agile, Continuous Delivery, Engineering Culture, Inspirational, Technical leadership] [Duration: 0:46:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Great presentation, in which Randy, starts from the 5 ideals of the Unicorn project (Locality and Simplicity, Focus, Flow, and Joy, Improvement of Daily Work, Psychological Safety, Customer Focus) to describe what we can do as technical leaders and as engineers to improve our ability to build and deliver software.
  • Developer Productivity with Utsav Shah (Utsav Shah) [Devex, Devops, Platform, Platform as a product] [Duration: 0:41:00] In this episode of Software Engineering Daily podcast, Utsav Shah talk about developer productivity in the context of the monolith, CI/CD, and best practices for growing teams.
  • Simplifying The Inventory Management Systems at the World’s Largest Retailer Using Functional Programming Principles (Scott Havens, Gene Kim) [Architecture, Architecture patterns, Functional, Technical leadership, Technology Strategy] [Duration: 2:02:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Havens shares his views on what makes great architecture great. He details what happened when an API call required 23 other synchronous procedures calls to return a correct answer. He discusses the challenges of managing inventory at Walmart, how one implements event sourcing patterns on that scale, and the functional programming principles that it depends upon. Lastly, he talks about how much category theory you need to know to do functional programming and considerations when creating code in complex systems. It is recommended to first watch the talk or listen to the podcast
Reminder, All these talks are interesting even just listening to them.


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