Sunday, August 18, 2024

Good talks/podcasts (Aug 2024 I)

These are the best podcasts/talks I've seen/listened to recently:
  • YOW! 2019 Evolutionary Design Animated (Part1) (James Shore) [Agile, Engineering Culture, Evolutionary Design, Software Design, XP] [Duration: 00:24] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Modern software development welcomes changing requirements, even late in the process, but how can we write our software so that those changes don’t create a mess? Evolutionary design is the key. It’s a technique that emerges from Extreme Programming, the method that brought us test-driven development, merciless refactoring, and continuous integration. James Shore first encountered Extreme Programming and evolutionary design nearly 20 years ago. Initially skeptical, he’s explored its boundaries ever since. In this session, James will share what he’s learned through in-depth animations of real software projects. You’ll see how designs evolve over time and you’ll learn how and when to use evolutionary design for your own projects.
  • Be Quick But Don't Hurry (Joshua Kerievsky) [Agile, Culture, Inspirational] [Duration: 00:02] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Inspirational. These two minutes summarize very well why it is important to be fast but maintain control in order to be truly agile.
  • YOW! 2019 Evolutionary Design Animated (Part2) (James Shore) [Agile, Engineering Culture, Evolutionary Design, Software Design, XP] [Duration: 00:24] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) The second part of this great talk. Part1
  • The best programmer I know (Dan North) [Agile, Engineering Career, Engineering Culture, Inspirational, Nature of Software Development] [Duration: 00:56] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Very good talk about the nature of software development and the approach to the profession. Dan talks about software as a medium, continuous learning, teamwork, etc. Highly recommended.
  • The Joy of Building Large Scale Systems (Suhail Patel) [Architecture, Engineering Culture, Microservices, Scalability] [Duration: 00:53] Suhail Patel discusses the art and practice of building systems from core principles with a focus on how this can be done in practice within teams and organisations. Very interesting talk with many details about system implementation, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the hardware.
  • Alan Kay at OOPSLA 1997 - The computer revolution hasnt happened yet (Alan Kay) [Engineering Culture, Evolutionary Design, Inspirational, Nature of Software Development, OOP, Software Design] [Duration: 01:04] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Classic presentation by Alan Kay talks about the nature of software, the design that systems should have, scalability, and how, to some extent, we could compare it to how biological systems work. Many of the ideas behind Smalltalk can be identified in the talk.. Inspirational.
  • Concurrency Oriented Programming in a Modern World (Francesco Cesarini, Robert Virding) [Architecture patterns, Microservices, Scalability, erlang] [Duration: 00:52] This talk delves into how the Erlang concurrency model, initially developed for telecom systems in the 90s, is now vital for modern cloud-based microservices, mobile apps, and machine learning. Presenters Robert and Francesco emphasize how functional languages and fault-tolerant computing principles are essential for distributed multi-core architectures across cloud, edge, and IoT networks.
  • Continuous Integration: That’s Not What They Meant (Clare Sudbery) [CI, Technical Practices, Trunk Based Development, XP] [Duration: 00:56] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Very good talk about the benefits of using Trunk Based Development (or in other words, the practice of CI as it was originally created).
  • Generative AI in a Nutshell - how to survive and thrive in the age of AI (Henrik Kniberg) [AI, Generative AI] [Duration: 00:17] Simple explanation of what AI is, Generative AI, and how it works at a high level. It's not a detailed explanation, but it's very useful if you want to explain it to someone without a technological background.
Reminder: All of these talks are interesting, even just listening to them.


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