Sunday, September 15, 2024

Good talks/podcasts (Sept 2024 I)

These are the best podcasts/talks I've seen/listened to recently:
  • YOW! 2019 Evolutionary Design Animated (Part1) (James Shore) [Agile, Engineering Culture, Evolutionary Design, Software Design, XP] [Duration: 00:24] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Modern software development welcomes changing requirements, even late in the process, but how can we write our software so that those changes don’t create a mess? Evolutionary design is the key. It’s a technique that emerges from Extreme Programming, the method that brought us test-driven development, merciless refactoring, and continuous integration. James Shore first encountered Extreme Programming and evolutionary design nearly 20 years ago. Initially skeptical, he’s explored its boundaries ever since. In this session, James will share what he’s learned through in-depth animations of real software projects. You’ll see how designs evolve over time and you’ll learn how and when to use evolutionary design for your own projects.
  • Eric Ries: The Science of Lean Startups (Eric Ries) [Continuous Delivery, Inspirational, Lean Startup] [Duration: 00:58] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) I believe this is the best talk I have heard from Eric about the ideas of Lean Startup. It is also very enlightening to see how one of the fundamental pieces is continuous deployment and the engineering practices he uses. Essential.
  • A Conversation with Kent Beck and Eric Ries (Eric Ries, Kent Beck) [Lean Startup, XP] [Duration: 01:04] Interesting conversation between the author of Lean Startup and the author of XP. Clearly, there are synergies between the two movements, and they complement each other perfectly. With both approaches, I believe we can fully cover "Building the right thing, and building the thing right."
  • The future of software engineering (Grady Booch) [AI, Engineering Culture, Inspirational] [Duration: 01:09] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Interesting journey through the history of our profession and some predictions about the future with one of the main protagonists (Grady Booch). Very interesting, both the talk and the subsequent questions.
  • Overcomplicated Architecture: Scaling Bottleneck (Cassandra Shum) [Architecture, Architecture patterns, Engineering Culture, Evolutionary Architecture] [Duration: 00:49] Cassandra Shum discusses one of the bottlenecks of software development, an overcomplicated architecture, addressing how a company gets to an overcomplicated architecture, and how to get out of it.
  • T1 and T2 Signals (Adam Hawkins) [Devops, Lean, Operations] [Duration: 00:17] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Adam presents in this episode an interesting mental model that he calls T1 and T2 signals. It's worth understanding this model.
  • Lean Agile Brighton 2019 - Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones (Simon Wardley) [Inspirational, Product Strategy, Strategy, Technology Strategy] [Duration: 01:05] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Simon has given this talk several times, in which he presents Wardley maps and how to use them to help with strategy. I particularly like this version because it uses very good examples, including one about when to use Agile development or Lean ideas. Very instructive.
  • Platform Orchestrators: The Missing Middle of Internal Developer Platforms? (Daniel Bryant) [Platform, Platform engineering] [Duration: 00:14] Good introduction to the different approaches to platform creation for development, with an emphasis on Platform Orchestrators, which are not as well-known but can play an important role in the success of these platforms.
Reminder: All of these talks are interesting, even just listening to them.


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