These are the best podcast/talks I've seen/listen to recently:
- Avoid These Common Mistakes Junior Developers Make (Dave Farley) [Engineering Career, Inspirational, Software Design] [Duration: 0:18:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) A must-see talk. Dave Farley describes 8 common mistakes that junior developers often make and offers his advice on how to avoid them. Whatever your approach to software engineering and software development, whether you are practicing Continuous Delivery, DevOps, or something else, we think that you may find some helpful ideas in this video.
- Martin Fowler On The Fundamentals Of Software Development | The Engineering Room Ep. 1 (Dave Farley, Martin Fowler) [Agile, Architecture, Architecture patterns] [Duration: 1:13:00] Dave and Martin discuss a wide range of ideas, from new work in patterns in distributed systems and Data Mesh, to the fundamental principles of software development that matter, whatever the technology or problem that you are solving.
- Engineering Productivity @Google (Michael Bachman) [Devex, Engineering productivity] [Duration: 0:32:00] Interesting talk on how engineering productivity is organized at google
- Gojko Adzic On How Agile Failed at the BBC and the FBI | The Engineering Room Ep. 3 (Gojko Adzic, Dave Farley) [Engineering Career, Engineering Culture, Product, Product Discovery] [Duration: 1:15:00] Dave and Gojko chat about a wide-ranging series of topics on product development, steering development organisations to success, Palchinsky principles and how agile development failed for the FBI and the BBC.
- The Principles of Product Development Flow / Small batches podcast (Adam Hawkins) [Flow, Lean Product Management, Lean Software Development, Product Team] [Duration: 0:07:00] (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) Super dense and interesting summary of the book "The Principles of Product Development Flow".
- Time Thieves / Small batches podcast (Adam Hawkins) [Agile, Lean, Lean Product Management, Lean Software Development] [Duration: 0:08:00] A summary of the time thieves as described in Domenica DeGrandis's book "Making Work Visible". Adam explains Too much WIP, unknown dependencies, conflicting priorities, neglected work and interruptions.
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